
Industry Education

Capmatrix Solutions - A Leading Education Recruitment Agency Bangalore
Capmatrix Solutions is an education recruitment consultancy in Bangalore offering fixed low cost recruitment solutions to companies including educational sectors, finance & banking, hospitality, media & communications, Information Technology, Real Estate, etc.
With the growing academic institutes is growing the need for recruitment in education sector India of quality excellence. Imparting right knowledge and skills to the young generation can guarantee the overall progress of a nation and massive economic growth. For that are required skilled resources in terms of education councilors, trainers, teachers, mentors and lecturers.
In the process of proper hiring of perfect candidates, institutes are taking help from recruitment agency for education Bangalore to get the desired positions filled by appropriate resources.
In the absence of a dedicated education recruitment consultancy in Bangalore the companies tend to carry out the tiresome process of advertising on multiple job boards, logins to database, going through the CV's and interviewing candidates. But with education recruitment agency Bangalore like Capmatrix Solutions, the companies can pay attention on their core operations, while the Human Resource requirements are looked after by the agency.
Both the formal learning sector (Kindergarter -12 and higher education) and the informal ones (pre-schools, coaching institutions and vocational establishments) are on a path of rapid growth. Thus to cope up with this growth, educational industry requires skilled resources for each of the positions.

Recruitment in Education Sector
With new school, colleges, training institutes, coaching classes, Counselling Sessions & other various educational institutions opening in every city, the education sector too is fast growing.
Today there is a tendency for the upper and upper middle class families to send their children to international schools. The demand for Trainers, Education Councilors, Teachers ,Mentors and lecturers is growing rapidly.