Personality Development

Trainings Personality Development

The employees should develop the various facets of their personality i.e. physical, mental, intellectual and emotional aspects of the personality. This inculcates positive attitude and self-motivation. Such a holistic person will be a great asset for the organization. He will be able to perform much better, perceive issues in a positive way and relate to people more meaningfully. His mental capabilities like communication, memory power, analytical thinking, creativity etc. will improve which enhances his contribution to the organization.

Course Contents:

  • Overall personality development – physical, mental, intellectual and emotional aspects of the personality
  • Improving the quality of thoughts – moving from negative thoughts (monotony, anger, jealousy, greed, helplessness, complacency, selfish, ego, inferiority complex, etc.,) to positive thoughts (positivity, affection, respect, care, gratitude, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, compassion, empathy, etc.,)
  • Developing higher values of life for Personal Development
  • Inculcating work ethics and work culture
  • Ethics, affable manners, good behavior and etiquette
  • Developing mental maturity for Personality Development
  • Factors which contribute to the attitude of a person
  • Developing positive attitude leading to Personality Development
  • Self motivation, taking initiative and developing enthusiasm in work
  • Looking events and issues from a broader perspective
  • Imbibing responsibility and accountability
  • Inculcating dedication and commitment in work
  • Learning continuously for Personality Development/
  • Interpersonal relations and team work as contributory factors for Personality Development
  • Emotional control for Personality Development
  • Developing a sense of loyalty and belongingness to the organization.