Services Liaison & Registrations
Capmatrix Solutions is a prominent Service Provider. The company deals in offering one stop Liaison solutions to the valued clients. These Liaison Services help the clients to develop the strong relationship with various government organisations, obtaining necessary registrations, subsidies, and grant in aid for smooth functioning. It will also help in sourcing and supplying any kind of product.
Areas where we provide liaison Services are:
- IRegistration of MSME and SSI
- Helping to obtain subsidies from various government departments for MSME units.
- Advising Industries for various governments
- Schemes, Policies with reference to their requirements
- Tender Documents preparation and submission consultancy.
- Subsidy and awards on Quality Certification for SSI and SME units.
- PF & ESIC new unit registrations and follow-ups for any matter.
- Fire NOC and Hydrant installation consultancy
- Labour Laws compliance consultancy and liaison services with various departments
- Factory License and factory compliance
- Obtaining memberships from professional bodies like CII, Nasscom, FICCI, Chambers of commerce, ESI Etc.
- To liaison with Government and institutional bodies various type of registration to industries and others Like, SSI, Shops & Establishment Act. DGS&D, NSIC, 100% EOU, IT Companies Registration with Govt. of Delhi and Various States, IEC License, PAN, Factory License, Pollution Control registration, Co-operative Societies registration, in-house R&D unit registration etc.
- Custom Clearance exemption certificate from various Govt. Departments on duty free imports. Obtaining membership of various professional and co-operate bodies