Trainings Stress Management
Stress is a major reason for decreased performance and also for a number of diseases. A person under stress experiences a host of problems like confused thinking, irritability, lack of concentration and memory power. Most of the stress is self-created and hence is self-curable. This training programme gives effective and practical guidelines to manage stress and perform at the best in the work place.
Course Contents:
- Definition of ‘Stress’
- Identification and symptoms of stress
- Harmful effects of stress on the performance, attitude and health
- Stress inducing factors in an organization
- Stress related diseases
- Practical guidelines to combat stress at workplace
- Stress management and work culture. How to create a stress – free culture by sound interpersonal relations (with superiors, colleagues and sub-ordinates), empathy, collective working, positive attitude and self motivation
- Stress Management techniques – food habits, physical exercises, planning, positive attitude, breathing techniques, cheerfulness, music, socializing, nature watching, relaxation, assertiveness and other life styles to be adopted for management of stress
- Achieving the work – life balance
- Interdependence of time management and stress management
- How to manage stress during working hours and in spare time ?(when you havea few minutes at your disposal)
- Drawing up a concrete action plan for stress management at workplace and family